
Angela F. Zirbes


Angela F. Zirbes

Small Painted Artbook


Sketchbooking is a vital part of my personal artistic practice. I frequently chronicle my life experiences (often including dreams) in notes and sketches as I move through the pages without the structure of theme or subject. I approached this project as an opportunity to reconsider the familiar medium of a sketchbook as final work. Without building too rigid a framework, I could allow my process of automatic painting to fill each spread as I worked through the book. This sketchbook, created for the Moleskine Foundation, represents a path to understanding and healing of the self. For me, painting is a meditative practice and a time to reflect – my work reveals more than I can identify through conscious observation.

Angela F. Zirbes

Iowa City, USA, 2000. Illustrator, Painter, Visual Artist.

Angela Fang Zirbes is a painter and illustrator based in New York City. Her work explores growing up as an Asian-American woman: seeking to reconnect with her cultural identity, unpack her dreams, and understand childhood memories. Angela primarily works with acrylic and gouache to illustrate traditional Chinese characters and those of her own imagination, creating vibrant and energetic vessels of her past and present.

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