
Francesca Hadija Sanneh


Francesca Hadija Sanneh

1+1=1, 1-1=0

The stranger in me is : MYSELF

Tree bark for Mère Ndiaye, for the sweet and powerful wrinkles on her skin, both witnesses of history and life. Green fields and mushrooms for Nonna Agnese, her knowledge so unique to those who live in and with nature. Their relationship allows the world: fungi build underground networks among roots, allowing trees to transfer each other nutrients and fundamental information. Contrary to what was thought and taught, nature’s rule isn’t competition but mutualism. The same fake order dooms cultures and people, erasing history and futures in the name of profit, homologation, and domination.
Hadija and Francesca are the same and different. Beautiful subversive routes and grandmothers and powers braid them together, as they face each other because they’re 1 and without one they would be None.

Francesca Hadija Sanneh

Maneu doumou Idris + Mimma la. I am the daughter of Idris + Mimma, golden sands and
dunes and vertical greens and whites, pink and blue lakes, yellow and grey skies. I love sounds and I believe in beauty and movement.

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