
Sarah Ijangolet


Sarah Ijangolet

Gli schemi del paradiso

Il mio taccuino è il principio di un manoscritto antologico di fiabe popolari che spero di scrivere, illustrare e pubblicare un giorno.
In esso io ri-racconto la fiaba di Kintu e Nambi riempiendo le lacune della storia.

Sarah Ijangolet

Sarah is passionate about vector illustration and portraiture and is fascinated by Ugandan folklore and mythology, a lot of her work being an exploration of the rich world of Ugandan fantasy and mythos as passed down from generation to gener- ation. She chooses not to be limited in her depiction of Ugan- dan deities and supernatural beings, allowing her imagination to stretch and mould their visages and appearances to accommodate how truly extraordinary the tales about them are. In doing so, she hopes to conserve as many of these folk tales as possible.

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